The following command-line example would be used to extract the x64 version of the Internet Explorer 11 prerequisite updates. (To process the x86 version of the component, replace the x64 (.msu) package name with the x86 (.msu) package name.)
Windows Command Line V2 Mega Packs
The following command-line example would be used to extract an x64 version of the Internet Explorer 11 core installation package. (To process the x86 version of the component, replace the x64 package name with the x86 package name.)
The following command-line example would be used for extracting an x64 version of the Afrikaans language pack. (To process the x86 version of the component, replace the x64 package name with the x86 package name.)
The following command-line example would be used to extract the x64 version of Internet Explorer 11 Cumulative Security Updates. (To process the x86 version of the component, replace the x64 package name with the x86 package name.)
You may download and install such fixes manually after you determine whether they apply to your deployment scenarios. Specifically, the following fixes are not included in this convenience rollup:2620264 You cannot start any RemoteApp applications through a Windows Server 2008-based or later Terminal Server or RD Gateway2646060 An update that selectively disables the Core Parking feature in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2 is available2647954 The PIN dialog box does not appear or you are presented with all the certificates in the store when you try to access a WebDAV server in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R22663685 Changes that are not replicated to a downstream server are lost on the upstream server after an automatic recovery process occurs in a DFS Replication environment in Windows Server 2008 R22695321 IPsec session takes 5 to 6 minutes to connect to a storage controller on a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R22727994 You cannot open or save Office 2010 documents on a WebDAV file server on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R22728738 You experience a long logon time when you try to log on to a Windows 7-based or a Windows Server 2008 R2-based client computer that uses roaming profiles2750841 An IPv6 readiness update is available for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R22752259 An update that improves the performance of the Printbrm.exe command-line tool in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2 is available2891144 Application does not draw polylines correctly when you run it through an RD Session in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP12898851 Description of the security update for the .NET Framework 3.5.1 on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1: May 13, 20142907020 "Location is not available" error when you access a mapped network drive after Windows standby or resume2918833 Third-party IMEs give users unprotected access to your Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based system2923766 Black screen when you plug in a monitor on a computer or open a lid of a laptop that is running in Windows2925489 You cannot establish an IPsec connection with certain third-party devices in Windows2990184 A FIPS-compliant recovery password cannot be saved to AD DS for BitLocker in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R22781512 - WinRM operations to Hyper-V fail on a Windows 7 SP1-based or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computer that has Windows Management Framework 3.0 installed2823180 - Update is available for Windows Management Framework 3.0 in Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, or Windows Server 2008 SP22802886 - You cannot register an SPN from a Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012-based client computer in a disjoint namespace2842230 - "Out of memory" error on a computer that has a customized MaxMemoryPerShellMB quota set and has WMF 3.0 installed2887064 - The Start-Process cmdlet ignores the "-Wait" parameter when the cmdlet is started remotely on a Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Vista SP2, or Windows Server 2008 SP2 computer that has Windows Management Framework 3.0 installed2889748 - High memory usage by the Svchost.exe process after you install Windows Management Framework 3.0 on a Windows-based computer2830615 - $MyInvocation.MyCommand object is set to null when you run the script by using PowerShell 3.0 in Windows 8 or in Windows Server 2012This convenience rollup also does not include any of the servicing updates for Internet Explorer. If you require the servicing updates for Internet Explorer, download and install the latest Security update for Internet Explorer.
The offline package can be used when the web installer cannot be used because of lack of Internet connectivity. This package is larger than the web installer and does not include the language packs. We recommend that you use the web installer instead of the offline installer for optimal efficiency and bandwidth requirements.When you install this package, you can see following packages or updates that are installed as per operating system:
The NCBI provides a suite of command-line tools to run BLAST called BLAST+. This allows users to perform BLAST searches on their own server without size, volume and database restrictions. BLAST+ can be used with a command line so it can be integrated directly into your workflow.
Examples of ImageMagick Usage demonstrates how to use the software from the command line to achieve various effects. There are also several scripts available on the website called Fred's ImageMagick Scripts, which can be used to apply geometric transforms, blur and sharpen images, remove noise, and perform other operations. Additionally, there is a tool called Magick.NET that allows users to access the functionality of ImageMagick without having to install the software on their own systems. Finally, the website also includes a Cookbook with tips and examples for using ImageMagick on Windows systems.
Shopify CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you build Shopify apps and themes. It quickly generates Shopify apps, themes, and custom storefronts. You can also use it to automate many common development tasks.
Rclone is a command line program to manage files on cloud storage.After download and install, continuehere to learn how to use it: Initial configuration,what the basic syntax looks like, describes thevarious subcommands, the various options,and more.
This is an advanced form for creating remotes on the fly. backendshould be the name or prefix of a backend (the type in the configfile) and all the configuration for the backend should be provided onthe command line (or in environment variables).
The above examples can also be written using a connection stringsyntax, so instead of providing the arguments as command lineparameters --http-url they are provided aspart of the remote specification as a kind of connection string.
The major advantage to using the connection string style syntax isthat it only applies to the remote, not to all the remotes of thattype of the command line. A common confusion is this attempt to copy afile shared on google drive to the normal drive which does notwork because the --drive-shared-with-me flag applies to both thesource and the destination.
If you supply extra configuration to a backend by command line flag,environment variable or connection string then rclone will add asuffix based on the hash of the config to the name of the remote, eg
Options that take parameters can have the values passed in two ways,--option=value or --option value. However boolean (true/false)options behave slightly differently to the other options in that--boolean sets the option to true and the absence of the flag setsit to false. It is also possible to specify --boolean=false or--boolean=true. Note that --boolean false is not valid - this isparsed as --boolean and the false is parsed as an extra commandline argument for rclone.
The file format is basic INI:Sections of text, led by a [section] header and followed bykey=value entries on separate lines. In rclone each remote isrepresented by its own section, where the section name defines thename of the remote. Options are specified as the key=value entries,where the key is the option name without the --backend- prefix,in lowercase and with _ instead of -. E.g. option --mega-hard-deletecorresponds to key hard_delete. Only backend options can be specified.A special, and required, key type identifies the storage system,where the value is the internal lowercase name as returned by commandrclone help backends. Comments are indicated by ; or # at thebeginning of a line.
An alternate means of supplying the password is to provide a scriptwhich will retrieve the password and print on standard output. Thisscript should have a fully specified path name and not rely on anyenvironment variables. The script is supplied either via--password-command="..." command line argument or via theRCLONE_PASSWORD_COMMAND environment variable.
Whenever running commands that may be affected by options in aconfiguration file, rclone will look for an existing file accordingto the rules described above, and load any itfinds. If an encrypted file is found, this includes decrypting it,with the possible consequence of a password prompt. When executinga command line that you know are not actually using anything from sucha configuration file, you can avoid it being loaded by overriding thelocation, e.g. with one of the documented special values formemory-only configuration. Since only backend options can be storedin configuration files, this is normally unnecessary for commandsthat do not operate on backends, e.g. genautocomplete. However,it will be relevant for commands that do operate on backends ingeneral, but are used without referencing a stored remote, e.g.listing local filesystem paths, orconnection strings: rclone --config="" ls . 2ff7e9595c